Our Staff![]() Pastor ![]() First Lady ![]() Marriage Ministry/Counseling/Care Ministry ![]() Prison Outreach ![]() Women Mnistry Leader ![]() Minister of Christian Education ![]() Grief Ministry/Care Ministry ![]() Music Ministry ![]() Sunday School Superintendent ![]() Chairman Deacon Ministry/Benevolent ![]() Assistance Chairman Deacon Ministry ![]() Trustee Ministry Chairman ![]() Co-Chairman of Trustees ![]() Assistant Clerk ![]() Church Clerk ![]() Pastor's Executive Administrative Assistant ![]() Director of Health Ministry ![]() Asst. Sunday School Superintendent/Chief Usher ![]() Sunday School Secretary |
Pastor Earl F. Jackson & First Lady Yvonne Jackson
You can unite with our church as a candidate for BAPTISM. This means that you wish to be administered the right of baptism after confessing your faith and belief in Jesus Christ according to Acts 8:26-39. You will be baptized through the immersion of water.
You may unite with our church through CHRISTIAN EXPERIENCE. This means that in your walk of discipleship as an already baptized believer ( through immersion), your encounter with Christ in the experiences of your live has given you bibical knowledge of what it means to hope in, depend upon and live for Jesus Christ, and the up building of His kingdom. Thus through these experiences you have become mature enough in your christian walk, that you can continue your service for The Lord under the leadership and tutelage of a new pastor and Church Family.
You may unite with our Church Family through LETTER OF TRANSFER. This letter of transfer is secured from your former church, indicating that you were a member in "GOOD STANDING" in another Christ Professing fellowship, already having been baptized (immersion) into the body of Christ.
ALL NEW MEMBER'S ARE REQUIRED TO ATTEND AND COMPLETE A NEW MEMBER'S ORIENTATION AND TRAINING CLASS. These classes are schedued at different times throughout the year.
To Win souls and to build up the "Body of Christ"
It shall be the purpose of this Church to carry out the “Great Commission” of our risen Lord as recorded in Matthew 28:19-20.
This Church will provide for regular services of worship wherein we welcome visitors, preach the whole Gospel of Jesus Christ;
observe the two ordinances of baptism and the Lord’s Supper, sing God’s praise,
and teach the TRUTHS OF GOD as set forth in the Holy Bible.
Look to God for His infinite wisdom to guide our finite efforts, the vision is the fruition of the building of a house of prayer that will more adequately meet our congregational and community needs,
allowing us to better serve the LORD. Damascus Road Missionary Baptist Church, Inc. will be a place that offers mankind a refuge from the storms of life,
a place to which people will be compelled to come, find Christ, serve God, and grow in grace.
As we strive for perfection the members of Damascus Road Missionary Baptist Church will be asked to do more in their Christian walk
so that others may continue to see the goodness of God manifested through our good works.
I will stand upon my watch, and set me upon the tower, and will watch to see what he will say unto me, and what I shall answer when I am reproved:
And the LORD answered me, and said, write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it.
For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak, and not lie: though it tarry, wait for it;
because it will surely come, it will not tarry Behold, his soul, which is lifted up, is not upright in him: but the just shall live by his faith
(Habakkuk 2:1-4).
On Tuesday August 28, 1984 at 7:00p.m. at the home of Deacon Sammie E. and Sis. Caldonia Lewis. Brothers and sisters gathered together for the purpose of establishing a church in the name of our heavenly father. There were nineteen (19) charter members.
The meeting was called to order by the acting moderator, Deacon Sammie Lewis. Pastor Earl F. Jackson stated the purpose of the meeting was to organize a church. A motion was made and seconded that Rev. Earl F. Jackson becomes pastor the newly formed church. Damascus Road Missionary Baptist Church was chosen as the name. The meeting was adjourned with a prayer by Pastor Earl F. Jackson. This was a joyous beginning of the church of God.
Our first church service was held on Sunday September 2, 1984 at the home of Deacon Sammie and Sis. Caldonia Lewis. Monetary donations ($27.50) were given for rental of chairs for future church services. Services were held at different locations until the purchase of our property. Our church services were also held at the home of Dea. and Sis. John and Anita Harding.
In 1985 land was purchased on Untreiner Avenue; ground breaking service was held with plans to start our new building on April 14, 1985. On Sunday May 25, 1986 our first church and dedication services were held at our new and present location, 8198 Untriener Avenue. The corner stone was laid July12, 1987 by Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge A.F.& A.M. Charles E. Sneed, 33rd Degree Most Worshipful Grand Master.
Additional land was purchased in 1988-1991, this enabled us to financially plan for a new Sanctuary. In 1993 we had ground breaking services and construction of our new Sanctuary. The first service was held, Sunday February 27, 1994; dedication service followed on march 13,1994. God truly blessed us through the years; we give Him all the glory, honor and praise.
In 1999 the mortgage was liquidated; we celebrated by having a "Mortgage Burning Service". The building committee met in February 2000 to secure plans for the building of a Fellowship and Educational Building. Ground breaking service and construction began in the year 2001. November 24, 2002 we held our dedication service for our new Fellowship and Educational Building. In 2010 we liquidated that mortgage also and we praise God that we are a debt free church!
We praise the Lord because He is worthy, and we hope and pray that His love will continue to be that light shining in our lives.
The nineteen charter members are as follows:
Julia Abram (Connor) Joe D. Johnson
Robbie Conner Caldonia Lewis
Rosalie Evans Sammie E. Lewis
Carol Foster Gwen Odom
Mattie Graham Ludie Philpot
John Harding Janice Stanley
Rosie Ikner Lillie Smith
Earl F. Jackson Jacquelyn Williams
Yvonne Jackson Rosetta Stanley
Vivian Hunter